Single Use Digital Coupons
Promote Profitably with Intelligent Coupons
- Distribute: Email, Social Posts, Digital Ads, Messenger, Digital Flyers
- Control: Valid Specified Days of the Week and Times of Day
- Remind: Automatic Email and/or Text Reminders
- Repeat: Automatically Renew Offers Daily, Weekly, Monthly
**All statistics are based on actual customer results.
That’s Biz has distributed over one billion digital coupons in the past decade.

Increase Profitability by 4.7%** and Keep Customer Interest in your Email Club with Restricted Use Coupons
- Specify the number of times the coupon may be used before the coupon expiration date.
- Limit coupon usage to specific times of day and/or days of the week (for example, “Good only Mon, Tue and Wed between 11am and 2PM”).
- Dynamic expiration date feature gives customers X days after viewing the coupon to use it (for example, email club signup offers).
Increase Coupon Redemptions by 15.8%** with Automatic Email and/or Reminders
- Customers viewing coupons are automatically emailed/texted reminders to use the coupon X days after viewing.
- Email/text reminders automatically stop for redeemed coupons.
- Customers can turn off and turn on email and/or text reminders any time.

Easy Customer Coupon Retrieval with Convenient Text To Me Feature Used by 40.4%** of Customers
- The “Text To Me” button on the coupon texts the coupon URL to the customer’s smartphone for easy retrieval in a text message.
- On average 16.1%** of customers text a specific coupon offer to their phone.
- Long term 40.4%** of customers will take advantage of the “Text To Me” feature.
Encourage Multiple Visits Over Specified Times Building Customer Buying Habits with Automatically Recurring Coupon Offers
- Create coupons encouraging customers to use the offer multiple times over specified timeframes – Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly and Bi-Monthly (for example “One Time per Week”).
- Coupons can also limit usage to specified times of day and/or days of the week (for example, “Use this coupon one time per month only on Weekdays between 11am and 3pm”).
- Coupons redeemed during the specified timeframe cannot be used again until the next timeframe.

Grow Loyalty Club Membership by 14.3%** with Perfectly Timed Loyalty Club Invitations
- Data shows the best time to promote your loyalty club is during a customer visit.
- Custom landing pages after coupon redemption promote your loyalty app and include loyalty app download links.
- Automatically email customers X hours after coupon redemption an email message promoting the loyalty club with loyalty app download links.
Increase Online Ordering Purchases by 5.4%** with Location Specific Online Ordering Links
- Customers go from coupon to placing online orders in one click with location specific online ordering links in the coupon.
- Online ordering links can be suppressed for coupons that are not online ordering offers.
- Coupons support deal specific online ordering URLs that carry the discount code to the checkout page.

Artificial Intelligence Reminds Customers When Coupons Can Be Used
- Coupons can only be viewed and redeemed during designated days and times and include customer specific messages about how many uses the customer has left and the last date the coupon can be used.
- Coupons not available for use on that day or time include intelligent messages reminding the customer when the coupon can be used.
- Intelligent offer reminders are only emailed on days the coupon can be used and include customer specific messages about how many uses are left and the times of the day and days of the week the coupon can be used.
Solve Local Business Problems Emailing Offers with Varied Price Points
- Allow franchisees to select the offer price point for their locations based on their market conditions and competitive threats.
- Email location specific offers based on the price point selected.
- Increase franchisee interest and participation in the corporate sponsored email program.

Increase Facebook and Google Ad ROI
- All coupons include customer specific Facebook and Google pixel tracking code.
- Build custom audiences based on customer coupon interest and in-store visits.
- Use Facebook and Google custom audiences in local ads to increase ad performance.
Improve Local Search Rankings with More Customer Reviews from Regulars
- Data shows 90%** of coupon redemptions are from customers familiar with your business and have had a positive experience.
- After coupon redemption customers are asked for a five-star rating, comment, and indicate if they are a first-time visitor.
- After rating customers are asked to post an online review with links to location specific review pages on Google My Business, Yelp or others.

Coupons Support Customer Branding and Design Specs
- Custom coupon templates support by customer coupon styling, layout and button colors.
- Coupons include customer branded images by coupon.
- Dynamic data and messaging insertion into each coupon customize the coupon based on the offer and coupon selections.
Flexible Coupon Offer Creation
- Coupons can be created by location or include a table of the locations the coupon can be used.
- Offer and restrictions wording has full html control and no limitations.
- Use a single coupon URL in your email blast and create location specific coupons based on your customer’s preferred location.

Fast Two-Second Coupon Redemption Requires No Staff Training
- Customer shows the coupon to the cashier/server just like a paper coupon.
- Your staff asks the customer to touch the redemption button which tests the coupon for availability at time of click, expiration and previous use.
- After redemption customers shows their screen to your staff confirming the redemption including a unique redemption code.
Optional Store Validation Stamp for Coupon Redemption Eliminates Coupon Fraud
- Customer shows the coupon to the cashier/server just like a paper coupon.
- Coupons will only redeem in-store with the validation stamp. Your staff lightly touches the customer screen with the validation stamp to redeem the coupon.
- Coupons passing the expiration date and previous use tests record the customer redemption details along with the validation stamp number in the coupon database.

Identify Winning Promotions by Offer by Location with Automated Email Campaign Reports
- Automated month end reports detail clicks, redemptions and estimated revenue for:
• All Coupon Offers
• All Coupon Totals by Location
• Each Coupon by Location - All data by customer showing all clicks and redemptions
- Source indicates whether customer redeemed the coupon from a reminder email, texting the coupon to their phone or shared by a friend.
Monitor Customer Feedback and Identify First-Time Visitors with Automated Customer Rating Reports
- Automated rating reports detail total number of ratings and average rating by location for all customers and for all first-time visitors.
- All customer feedback responses including the customer comment, name, email address and whether they were a first-time visitor.
- Select the frequency of the emailed reports from daily, weekly or monthly reports and to whom the report should be emailed by location.

Toot Your Horn Sharing Reviews from Regulars on Your Coupons and/or Website
- Coupons include a review widget showing the average rating from your customers and a link to their comments.
- A review widget can be added to your website showing the same customer feedback data.
- Customer feedback data shows ratings from regular customers are on average one-star rating higher than sites like Yelp.
Let’s Discuss Solving Your Business Problems
Complete the form below to discuss how to implement affordable local digital marketing Solutions-To-Go that address your business problems NOW. Check out our Solutions-To-Go for fixed fee solutions to your problems or give us a call at (833) 429-1680 to speak with a human.