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If you’ve ever moved to a new city, then you probably noticed all the coupons and offers you were getting in your physical mailbox (or even your email!) enticing you to try new restaurants and businesses in the area. Now, you can do the exact same thing for your restaurant, but with Facebook ads instead. 

Here at That’s Biz, we aim to make advertising for restaurants a stress-free, easy-to-understand process that gets you results. With this Solutions-To-Go option, “Targeting Recently Moved into the Area,” our restaurant marketing strategy is sure to drive results. Keep reading to learn more, and then contact That’s Biz today to get help advertising for restaurants.

Description of This Service

There are plenty of new customers moving to your city day after day — you just need a restaurant advertising idea that targets them so they know about your restaurant. With this Solution-To-Go, your Facebook ad will offer an enticing coupon. All the potential customer has to do is click on the ad and complete a brief form. The single-use coupon will then be emailed to them immediately. After completing the form, they’ll land on your restaurant menu on your website. It’s as simple as that! Additionally, because it’s only a single-use coupon, you can offer a strong, powerful coupon without being nervous about lost revenue.

What’s Included

Advertising for restaurants doesn’t have to be a confusing, expensive process where you don’t know exactly what you’re getting. Here’s what’s included with this restaurant advertising idea:

  • Facebook ad with branded image, ad targeting, and ad copy
  • Branded landing page with an embedded form to capture your customer’s information
  • Branded auto-responder email message with a single-use coupon enclosed
  • Branded fraud-proof coupon that customers can easily and quickly redeem from their smartphones

Anticipated Cost and Revenue

The cost of this restaurant service is $150 per month, not including a $50 one-time set-up fee. From this, you can expect about $400 to $800 in monthly revenue, along with the lifetime value of new customers and their loyalty.

Expected Results of This Service

Here’s the breakdown of how we got those numbers: 

  • About 50 to 100 people will request the “try us” coupon offer each month.
  • From those people, about five to 10 will visit your restaurant and bring one to three people with them. 
  • If your average sale were $40, then you can expect $400 to $800 in revenue each month. 
  • Everyone who requests the coupon is added to your email list — so you can continue to email those 50 to 100 people well into the future.

Get Help With Advertising for Restaurants Today

When we’re advertising for restaurants, we always aim to make the process as transparent and effective as possible. Our Solutions-To-Go products offer unique restaurant marketing strategies that do all that and more. Whether you’re looking for restaurant promotion ideas, restaurant email marketing, additional restaurant services for your customers, or something else entirely, we can help. Contact That’s Biz today to make advertising for restaurants easier — and more effective — than ever.